Sunday, July 30, 2006

Tweaking html...

Am attempting to make this place a little more personalised, so this layout is kinda temporary lar, and free for all to edit and add on =) Am still exploring what else can be done with this... meanwhile, flood the screen with out-of-point updates, people, in all senses of the phrase :)

Looking for upcoming events? Official performance updates are at our parent-homepage at the "Resonance tabulas" link on your right :)


PS. In case anyone is getting alarmed about the nature of this shared blog, (especially with Amanda's er-hrm... suggestions... to post up blackmail-worthy recordings, videos(!) and miscellaneous stuff...) do be rest assured that this website is perfectly unofficial =D Which means, of course, that crappy entries are absolutely welcome, too.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

so what's with the OOPs thing?

hey, somebody hinted to me that we should have our own website, but i dun have time to do anything yet, just chope this place first haha... den we can put up all the blackmail stuff here!!! woohoo~ i still have those funny audio clips of ppl dueting and saying funny things.. i think we may even have a loyal following lor lol..

but for now, more abt us can be found at resonance's tabulas page.. i think we practically flood the site with our antics anyway haha.

;) [the designer]